Fully protected Disinfectant killing microbes

What is Surface Disinfection? A blog about the Surface disinfection process and how it can help you.

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Disinfection is the process that eliminates harmful microorganisms from a surface or object by applying a chemical, physical, or biological action.  While many people know that disinfection can help protect your homes as well as commercial environments, it is often unclear about the process and how it can help you. This post will help you with understanding the process of disinfection and how it can be beneficial to you.

Surface Disinfection and cleaning

Surface disinfection is a process of applying chemicals on the surface area to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is usually done with a mixture of water and chemicals that destroy microorganisms, but it can also involve using ultraviolet light irradiation. There are two types of surface disinfection: hard surface and environmental. Hard surface disinfection is used on frequently touched area surfaces and floors, while environmental surface disinfection is used to clean the air in a confined space.

Hard Surface Disinfection

General disinfection

  • When it comes to surface disinfection and cleaning process, soak clothes with prepared disinfectant or bleach solution and use them for wiping frequently touched areas. Observe contact time according to disinfectant‘s manufacturer instructions.Complete table wiping off using disinfection agent
  • When cleaning either floors or horizontal surfaces, use a wiping motion instead of an aggressive scrubbing. This minimizes the creation of aerosols and splashing.
  • After the appropriate contact time, wiping the surface with a wet cloth, and then letting it air dry after, is most effective.
  • Linens need to be washed to reduce the presence of the virus that can stick around on surfaces such as curtains, carpets, mattresses, pillows or cushions for up to 3 days.

Environmental Surface Disinfection

Whole room fumigation

Whole Room Fumigation is decontaminating entire rooms by introducing chemical mist and vapour and maintaining the desired concentration for a required duration. Afterwards, the area is aerated to remove any trace of the chemical disinfectant that may have been left in the air.

     1. Surface Misting

Surface misting is the process of generating a fine water droplet fog for disinfecting and sanitizing large spaces by means of fogging equipment. The droplets are generated by means of an atomizer.

Office fogging using electrostatic sprayer

Hand-held misters work by spraying a mist of disinfectant liquids onto the intended surface for disinfection. Another variant of such a device is an electrostatic sprayer, which delivers charged droplets that are attracted to surfaces, resulting in a more even layer of disinfectant on the surface. An effective hand-held misting/spraying process should deposit an even layer of disinfectant liquid on the targeted surfaces with the required contact time

     2. Ultraviolet (UV) Irradiation

Ultraviolet surface disinfection system is a method that applies short wavelength UV radiations to inanimate surfaces. The device kills microorganisms by exposing them to the UV rays. This technology has been used for decades to disinfect hospitals and other medical facilities.

A UV system will kill germs, but it won’t clean the surface of any dirt or debris. That’s why you need to use it in conjunction with some form of cleaning agent – typically soap and water.

UV light disinfection in dark room

Items to Prepare for Cleaning of Premises

  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) – Disposable gloves, Surgical mask, Face Shield (optional)
  • Preparation of disinfectant
  • Trash bags
  • Disposable cloths or rags
  • Pail
  • Mop


Completely protected Disinfectant technician


Our experts are trained and certified to provide the best disinfection cleaning services for any business. Natoma have eliminated the worry of contamination by using quality disinfectants and providing superior protection against any microbial threat.




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