Cleaner scrubbing floors on shopping center

Sanitize Your Retail Space During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sanitize Your Retail Space During the COVID-19 Pandemic

We have been socially distancing for weeks now, riding out the coronavirus pandemic. It is a challenge to keep your retail space sanitized during the COVID-19 pandemic. Retail spaces must safely and effectively operate both to serve the public and to simply remain open. We have turned to remote working and learning, virtual happy hours with friends and family, online shopping, and digital fitness apps just to stay sane. Various studies on the internet say it can take anywhere from three weeks to two months to form a new habit.

One way or another, many of us will emerge from this crisis with new ways of doing things — especially when it comes to consumption.

Retailers, in turn, will need to adapt. And fast. Shoppers will be looking for spaces where they feel safe.

Yet, with COVID-19’s novel structure, no one really knows what to expect. That is why it seems as if the safety guidelines are ever-changing.

Contracting a professional cleaning company specializing in safely and effectively providing frequent disinfection of retail spaces may be necessary.  We must recognize and address the unique challenges that come with this new challenging environment in retail settings.  Considering the nature of most retail stores, using the provided guidelines can help protect shoppers and staff (which may also mean more dollars in the door, fewer days closed for additional sanitation if there is a positive case, and fewer sick staff members taking time off as well as putting others at risk). We will also discuss some of the requirements for cleaning and disinfecting retail spaces.


Current Best Practices for Employees

All retail employees should be educated on:

  • Hand Washing & Sanitizing. All retail locations should consider having both hand sanitizing stations and cart sanitizing stations at primary entrances. Both employees and patrons can be reminded of handwashing best practices.
  • Self-checkout sanitizing process. Any employee who may work in a self-serve area, including self-checkout or any retail location where a customer may somehow take care of themselves, should be trained to rotational touchpoint sanitizing of these areas.
  • Hand hygiene practices. Retail spaces should consider providing signs, handwashing procedures, and hand sanitation opportunities for both employees and shoppers. Hand hygiene practices are defined as washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after eating; after sneezing, coughing, or using a tissue; after a bathroom break; before touching food; after touching or cleaning a surface that could be contaminated; and after sharing any type of electronic equipment or supplies.
  • Coughs and sneezes should be covered with tissues or done into the inside of the elbow. Any used tissues should immediately be thrown away and the hands should be washed.
  • Priority areas should be cleaned on an ongoing basis. This includes high contact surfaces that are touched by lots of people, such as checkout areas, handrails, carts, equipment used to stock the facility, restrooms, etc.

Why Is It Essential to Keep Your Retail Space Sanitized?

If there is no one watching, it can be tempting to consider cutting corners on disinfection and sanitation! Yet, working to keep COVID-19 and other bugs at bay at your retail space by continuously applying best practices is paramount. It acts as a risk management tool and can help protect your brand. Frequent and appropriate disinfection and sanitation is truly an investment in your business.

How Natoma Cleaning Can Help Keep Your Retail Space Sanitized

As commercial cleaning specialists, Natoma Cleaning can help your retail space identify not just priority areas, but also high-risk areas. We can help save your retail space staff time and overhead by developing a custom cleaning model that embraces best practices to help protect your shoppers and employees. We deliver high-quality professional disinfection for retail spaces. To learn more about what we can do for you, Contact Us today!

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